BondView’s COVID Ratings uses artificial intelligence to analyze marketplace data including Liquidity, Ratings, Sector, Disclosures and Geography. Can be used as an early warning systemto help investors identify, monitor and stay ahead of fast moving COVID trends effectingimpacting municipal bond investments
"BondView's COVID ratings is like having a professional bond manager monitoring our bonds 24 x 7. We get early warning indications about significant risk changes. The key is we are alerted early to fast moving trends that could impact our investments."
Major Financial Advisor
We just cant manually review 1000's of municipal bonds for these five key factors and then drill down to see potential COVID risk for each municipal bond.
Major Fund Manager
24 x 7 Monitoring of COVID Economic Risk To Your Municipal Bonds
BondView's COVID ratings provides Intelligent Bond Surveillance and is like having a professional bond manager keep a watchful eye over your bonds and send early warning indications about significant risk changes. COVID impacted bonds can be subject to a 'deep dive' using BondView Pro's comprehensive analysis tools.
Will Your Municipal Bonds Survive COVID?
A basic description of BondView’s COVID ratings for municipal bonds from BondView’s CEO.
COVID Ratings Updated Daily For Municipal Bonds
Focused on five key factors that help identify COVID risk for each municipal bond: 1) Sector of Issuance, 2) Material Events Review. 3) Geography, 4) Market Implied Rating, 5) Bond Liquidity