Category: Uncategorized

The Emergence of AI in the Municipal Bond Industry

Bond AI – The municipal market, known for its resistance to change, is gradually integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into its workflow systems and communication tools. While broad acceptance may still…

Will Silicon Valley Melt Down?

Ironically in many cities taxes are going up regardless of home prices going rising or falling. The annual operation costs that towns must pay for schools, police, fire and other…

Lobbying Groups Try To Protect Tax Free Muni Bonds

Twenty five municipal market groups representing local governments are lobbying Senate Finance Committee leaders to maintain the federal tax-exemption for municipal bonds, ensure states maintain their authority to maintain their…

Harrisburg, PA: The Outrage Continues

As you watch this of video Harrisburg Mayor Linda Thompson trying to justify why she is suing her own City Controller Dan Miller over a minor issue, you can understand…

Muni Bond Rally Is Out Of Gas?

The impressive rally in municipal bonds that started in mid October has run its course, according to our friends at Morgan Stanley. For the past six weeks, the market has…

Obama’s Jobs Bill Will Punish Muni bonds.

Obama’s Jobs Bill Will Punish Muni bonds. Municipal bonds have always been synonymous with tax-free income. That would end if President Obama gets his way. The Obama Administration wants to…

With U.S. AAA Downgrade, Could Munis Default As Meredith Predicted?

The tax-free municipal bond market looks vastly different as we head toward the end of the second quarter of 2011 than it did when we were in the middle of…

Cleaning Up the Muni Market

Two well professors are proposing that states and localities create a national nonprofit institution that would provide issuers with independent advice on bond financings, help them disclose standardized information and…

Central Falls Turned Upside Down By Unions

One mans’ garbage is another mans gold. The painful truth is that as muni debt increases, so do the risks that someday it will be politically, economically and financially worthwhile…

Muni Investors Looking Good in Vallejo, CA

Vallejo, California, the biggest U.S. city in bankruptcy, won court permission to send its exit plan to creditors, its municipal bondholders for a vote after retired workers dropped their objections….