Top 10 Florida Municipal Bonds for Sale

Last Update: July 12th, 2024

List of Municipal Bonds for Sale

This selection of top florida municipal bonds for sale today uses Artificial Intelligence to address various aspects such as issuer reputation, investment potential, and the significance of the issuing entities. These bonds are distinguished by their top-tier BondView ratings and credit assessments, which can indicate low default potential and robust fiscal health. The report aims to guide investors in making more informed decisions. This month, only 3 municipal bonds met the top criteria, for more bonds go to BondView.

Scroll to the right over the table for full view.

CUSIPNameQuantity AvailableMaturity DateYield to WorstCouponInsuredAsking PriceBondview Estimated PriceBondview RatingBV Credit ScoreFunds
34160WA46FLORIDA ST DEPT ENVIRONMENTAL REF-FLORIDA FOREVER-SER A2507/01/20252.60%5%No$102.28$101.44582
684554EY0ORANGE CNTY FLA WTR & WASTEWTR REV UTIL510/01/20252.67%5%No$102.78$102.195101
Last update: July 12th

Why Florida Municipal Bonds Are Good Investments

Yield to Worst (YTW): The YTW for these Florida municipal bonds ranges from 2.54% to 2.67%, with an average of approximately 2.60%. This is competitive in the current market environment, providing a conservative measure of the bond’s yield, assuming the worst-case scenario, such as the bond being called before maturity.

Coupon Rate: All municipal bonds discussed have a high coupon rate of 5%, which provides a steady stream of income to investors. High coupon rates are particularly attractive in a low-interest-rate environment, making these Florida muni bonds an excellent choice for income-focused investors.

Credit Quality: These municipal bonds have favorable Bondview ratings, all rated 5, and high BV Credit Scores ranging from 8 to 10. This indicates strong creditworthiness and a low risk of default, making them safer investments compared to lower-rated bonds.

Price Relative to Estimated Value: The asking prices of these Florida municipal bonds are close to their Bondview estimated prices, suggesting they are fairly valued. This reduces the risk of overpaying for the bonds, making them a prudent investment choice.

Insured Status: One of the Florida muni bonds is insured, providing an additional layer of security for investors, further enhancing their appeal as low-risk investments.

Overall, these municipal bonds for sale offer a balance of income and safety, making them suitable for investors looking to expand their municipal bond portfolios with low-risk, income-generating assets.

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Issuer Information

Florida State Department of Environmental Protection

Program: Florida Forever

Purpose: The Florida Forever program is the state’s premier conservation and recreation lands acquisition initiative. It focuses on acquiring and improving lands, water areas, and related property interests and resources for environmental restoration, conservation, and recreation purposes.

Miami-Dade County, Florida

Program: Building Better Communities Program

These general obligation refunding bonds are part of the Building Better Communities Program, which was approved by voters to fund various public projects. These projects include water, sewer, flood control systems, parks, recreational facilities, and public infrastructure improvements. The bonds are backed by the full faith, credit, and taxing power of Miami-Dade County and are payable from unlimited ad valorem taxes on all taxable property within the county.

Orange County, Florida

These water and wastewater revenue utility bonds are issued to finance public utility projects related to water and wastewater systems. The revenue from these utilities is used to repay the bondholders, ensuring the financial sustainability of the county’s water and wastewater infrastructure.

The School Board of Brevard County, Florida

These refunding certificates of participation are issued to refinance existing debt, helping to lower the cost of borrowing and improve the financial health of the school board. The funds are typically used for school infrastructure projects, technology upgrades, and other educational improvements. These general obligation school bonds are issued to fund various school-related projects, including enhancements in technology, safety, arts, athletics, and educational facilities across the district. The bonds are backed by the full faith and credit of the school district and are repaid through property taxes.

Each of these Florida municipal bonds serves a specific purpose aimed at improving public infrastructure, environmental conservation, or educational facilities, reflecting the diverse needs and priorities of the issuing entities.

For Investors & Analysts

Keep Your Broker Honest: Your broker might not always inform you about the best bonds for sale. With BondView, you get better information than your broker.

Verify a Muni Bond Quote: Check the accurate price of a bond your broker suggests. Compare your estimated price against real-time asking prices.

Gauge Ease of Buying or Selling a Bond: BondView offers three liquidity indicators, showing bond demand based on fund activity. Assess public and BondView portfolio activities.

This list is updated every month.

This list of Florida municipal bonds for sale is current as of July 12, 2024. For real-time information, use BondView as your guide. A quick CUSIP entry or advanced search reveals details such as interest rates, coupon rates, maturity dates, recent trade prices, and credit ratings.

Note: Market value may vary during the investment period. Prices are subject to prior sale and market conditions as of 07/12/24. As with any investment, the market value may vary during the period the investment is held. Subject to prior sale and market conditions. Price as of 07/12/25